Posted by Jennifer on 4/10/2014 to
Baby Care
Napping in children is an essential part of a child’s growth and development. Everybody knows that the two year old who missed his nap can be cranky, but new studies show that missing may also impact a child’s ability to learn. The brain needs to recharge, and sleep is the way to make that happen. Daytime naps help children from becoming overly tired and sleep better at night.
Maintaining a naptime routine is important and putting them down for a nap before they are overtired and restless. Look for these signs of tiredness in children:
Newborns – staring, jerky movements of the arms and legs, clenched fists, frowning, yawning, and/or crying.
Older babies – loss of interest in playing, irritability, yawning, crying and eye rubbing and/or a change in physical activity.
Toddlers – clumsy physical movements, tasks take longer to perform, and/or crying.
The length of a nap will vary from child to child. Provide him with the time and place for a nap and allow his biological clock to do the rest. Late morning or early afternoon is a good time for napping. Letting your child to nap late in the afternoon may affect his night-time sleep pattern, and you should allow at least four hours between nap time and bed time.
If your child is at home during naptime have him sleep in his own bed; this helps him associate his bed with sleep. Naptime is equally important in children who attend daycare or preschool. Being comfortable and feeling secure is imperative for a child who is not sleeping in his own bed.
Signature Little Ones Napbag, the all-in-one blanket, pillow and bed set and tote, is the perfect and convenient way to ensure your child’s naptime away from home is pleasant. Choose the Napbag that best fits your child’s personality, and you can have it personalized with his name so that it doesn’t get sent home mistakenly with another child.