Posted by Patricia on 9/23/2013 to
Baby Care

MadPax are not only stylish, they are functional as well. MadPax come in a range of sizes, from full-size and half-size backpacks, to "nibbler" size lunch boxes, to the smallest model "mighty bits". No matter what a kid needs to bring to school, there is a MadPax size that fits their need.
Part of a child's day at school is socializing with other kids. Madpax are something are the kids are talking about. With four models to choose from, everyone will be comparing and commenting on how stylish these MadPax are. A child can express their uniqueness based on the model they choose. The Blok model, which is the newest design, is a more subdued yet funky pack. For kids that want to show how happy and bubbly they are, there is the Bubble pack. The over the top bubble shapes on the pack, make this design pop. Last, but certainly not least are the Lator Gator and the Spiketus Rex models. These models are for the kids that want to show off their wild side.
Children of celebrities and child stars around the country have jumped on the MadPax train. Boosting with popularity, MadPax are going to be all the rage this school season. Children of all ages, can travel to school with a fashionable and functional bag, that will be the envy of all their friends.