Give Your Child the Gift of Giving
Posted by Signature Little Ones on 10/27/2014 to
The holiday season is fast approaching, and as you look
around you count your blessings. You
have a full life. A wonderful husband,
beautiful and most importantly, healthy children, a loving home and friends and
family you love and who love you.
Helping Your Baby Grow, Learn, Develop
Posted by Signature Little Ones on 10/27/2014 to
Baby Care
Babies love to learn. You can help your baby develop her speaking ability, physical dexterity, and emotional intelligence by being an active partner in her daily life.
Children’s Eating Habits Start In Infancy
Posted by Signature Little Ones on 9/16/2014 to
Perhaps one of the parents’ most challenging tasks at the dinner table is to convince their little ones that vegetables taste good. While setting a good example to children (don’t let them see you eat processed foods or sweets before a meal) has its own merits, parents - mothers especially - can influence their children’s appetite for healthy eating as early as infancy, and some studies even claim, as early as pregnancy.
How Music Improves the Social Skills of Children
Posted by Signature Little Ones on 8/29/2014 to
Baby Care
A lot of parents are not aware of just how beneficial music is for kids in so many ways. If you want your child to grow confident and sociable, it's essential to expose them regularly to singing, playing of instruments, and other musical endeavors.
Allowance Or Commission?
Posted by Signature Little Ones on 8/22/2014 to
Growing up, many of us had parents that gave money to us based on one of two theories - the theory of allowance and the theory of commission.
The Father Daughter Date
Posted by Signature Little Ones on 8/11/2014 to
There are many dads out there who claim to always want a healthy child, no matter the gender. But, let's admit it guys, not many of us know exactly how to connect with daughters as much as we do with sons.
Homework Survival
Posted by Signature Little Ones on 8/11/2014 to
Baby Care
This is the time of year when children's homework becomes part of the afternoon and evening family-time agenda during the week.
Parents work all day, the kids are in school all day, and we all are grateful when we get together at the end of the day and spend some time together over the dinner table and maybe watching a movie or TV show on the sofa. But that darned homework tends to mess things up and makes family time a bit of a chore.
Thus the "work" in homework, no?
Easy Ways to Cut the Clutter in Your Child’s Bedroom
Posted by Signature Little Ones on 7/2/2014 to
You want your kids to have the right furniture, be comfortable, and enjoy spending time in their rooms. However, there is something else to consider when decorating a child’s room: controlling clutter. Use these tips when planning the layout of your children’s rooms to cut clutter.