We sure cherish our babies. Before they even show up, we stop drinking wine, baby-proof our homes, eat even healthier, go to special classes, select names, and purchase new furniture for our homes and our cars.
And, that’s just the start.
Once our babies arrive the real cherishing begins with some of the most important bit of care being directed towards what we put in our babies’ mouths, namely thebaby bottle nipple.
BPA and Baby Bottles
The first thing you need to know about baby bottles is that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned the use of bisphenol A (BPA) in baby bottles and sippy cups in July 2012. So, as long as you buy new baby bottles you can be assured that they will be BPA-free.
Not Every Baby Likes Every Nipple
Babies can be extremely particular about what type of baby bottle nipple they accept. So, while you are trying to find out which nipples your baby prefers, work with less-costly bottles and nipples.
Nipple Shapes
These days your baby has a fairly wide choice of nipples to try. She may like vented nipples that let air pass to keep her from getting gassy. Or, she may go for the natural-looking orthodontic nipples that look and feel like the real thing. Also, many babies like the slanted nipples that let them feed while they are being held by their parents.
The two-most common nipple materials you will find are silicone and latex. Silicone nipples are firmer and more durable than are latex ones. These are a good choice if your baby will accept the firmer material. Conversely, latex nipples are flexible and soft. However, they do not last as long as silicone nipples do.
Age Ratings
Make sure you get baby bottle nipples that have been rated for your baby’s age. Getting the wrong age rating means that your baby may end up with nipple that is not the right size and either gives too much or too little fluid at a time.
Life Expectancy of Baby Bottle Nipples
Baby bottle nipples do wear out. You need to inspect them every 60 days or so to make sure that their holes have not become so large that the fluid just streams out. Also, look for tears, cracking and stickiness. Damaged nipples can be very dangerous to your baby.